#GetCreativeWithPorsche: car detailing 5
This is the third and fifth series of car classes that Porsche has put out during the period when Porsche is refraining from going out to prevent coronavirus infection. And that's it (the third one). Was it too long? I'm sorry ^^
1st:How to shoot Porsche (car) (Mr. Richard Pardon)
The second:Car design: how to draw Porsche 911
The third:Porsche: How to wash a car
The fourth: (original)Keeping fit with Mark Webber
5th:How to draw a car (paint)
The sixth: (original)Planning road trips
The seventh:Reproduce Porsche's iconic scene with Lego
8th:How to shoot cars (filming cars)
9th:How to become an esports sim racer
The instructor is Richard Tipper, an influencer who is currently influential in cars.
So this is the last of five lessons on how to wash his car. Finally, how to polish the car.
Then I would like to see it.
How to polish a car
- Before you start polishing your car, make sure your car is perfectly clean.
- Make the car body paint as smooth as possible so that the polish adheres better.
- By polishing, the car will be all-in-one, the car will be clean, the gloss will be restored, and the paint will be protected. If the car's body is smooth and clean, the polish will protect the car for a longer period of time.

- I use a craver (a biscuit-shaped putty). This will finally remove any substances that are still attached to the body paint. No matter how perfect the car washes, there are still small tar marks and carbon carbon deposits left behind.
* If you search for "Claybar", you will find many videos of how it looks and how to use it.
- Spray a small amount of craver lubricant onto a small area of the car and use the craver to gently rub it in the same area in a straight line. I just put a little effort on it and let the crabber clean it up.
- The crabber gently slides on the surface of the car, indicating that the work is complete.
- The craver keeps the surface of the craver clean as it attaches dirt to itself. After finishing one section, fold the craver to prepare a new surface for the next section.
- It depends on how much dirt you get from your car, but usually you can use it 3-4 times before you replace the craver with a new one.
- Next is polishing. Use an all-in-one cream polish. On an applicator pad (a sponge piece wrapped in a microfiber cloth), take a polish about the size of four beans. So you can polish an area of about 2 square feet.

- Start from the center of the panel and polish straight. If you try to polish (rub) and you can barely see the polish, it means you are using the correct amount of polish.
- Check the label of the product you used to see how long it needs to be dried after polishing. After drying for the required time, continue wiping off the polish with a microfiber cloth.
- To do this, the cloth needs to be made of a soft material, and I also removed the tag attached to the microfiber first so as not to damage the body.
Oh. All the microfibers that I also use for car washing (and other microfibers for car use) have their tags neatly cut off before use. I'm too perfect ~ (self-satisfaction). picture? Oh, was it common sense? I'm sorry ^^
- Fold the microfiber cloth in four (do not crumple). Then use the microfiber with your open hand to remove the polish until the microfiber can easily slide over the body paint.
- Do not polish this on plastic, glass, rubber seals, matte carbon fiber, etc. If you do it, it will turn white. Glossy carbon fiber can be polished.
- If you want to polish your windows, I think it's best to use a microfiber cloth. First, wipe the glass with a damp cloth, and immediately after that, wipe it with a clean microfiber that has dried and dry it.
- One at the very end. Instead of all-in-one polish, there are some very good car hard waxes out there. In this case, a sponge applicator is required instead of a microfiber applicator, but the amount used is small.

- The reason why the amount used is small is that the hard wax itself is expensive, but if the amount used is too large, it will be difficult to wipe it off with microfiber. If you use hard wax, proceed with the same process as above, but wipe it off quickly. Most hard waxes can be wiped off in 60 to 90 seconds after being applied.
- When all is done, relax and tap on your back to heal ^^ With this, at least the next 6 car wash (10 to 15 times for hard wax), car body paint I was able to protect it.
… And this concludes all the lectures from Richard Tipper on how to clean the car.
Finally, he said, "Now your car is very clean to get out on the drive and you're ready for the next time you get out on the drive."
Right now, when the day comes when you are satisfied with the shiny Porsche and you can enjoy driving as you like, it would be great if you could go out with the shiny Porsche.

My favorite Porsche 911 Carrera is also washed and shiny, shining black in the dark parking lot, waiting for the day to see the sunlight ^ ^
Source:#GetCreativeWithPorsche: car detailing
3rd: Car detailing table of contents
1:Porsche: How to wash a car
2:How to clean Alcantara steering wheel like new
3:Clean the wheels like a pro
Four:A safe car wash method that does not damage the car
Five:How to safely clean the engine
6:The secret to polishing a car