Delivery of customized 981 Cayman model car
Today is July 18, 2022.
It's 718 days, so today I'm going to write a story about 718 that I experienced the other day.
* ... I wrote it thinking, but for some reason I thought nothing & without doubt, I completely assumed that it was "718 Cayman", but this was 981 Cayman (laugh) .. excuse me!
On that day, I was still in a good mood running at 911 and heading for a meeting place, but on the way I met Mr. Macan.
It feels like the "color" of the event that is waiting for me from now on, and it's a start that makes me more excited.

I arrived at my destination.
The Porsche behind my 911 car is ...
hey? ?? It will be a Porsche with the same color as the Macan earlier. It is a sapphire blue car.

This is the Porsche 981 Cayman, the car I was looking forward to seeing on this day.

What on earth did I come to this place? The first purpose is to meet the Cayman listed there if you look closely at the rear of this Cayman (confusing)!

Here it is. Cute ^^

It's a so-called miniature car, customized just like the 981 Cayman owner's car.

This car is made by asking the modeler who customized my Porsche 911 Carrera model car before.
Well, the metallic feeling is also beautiful.
And it's suspicious that all the big adults are looking at this miniature car while saying it (laughs).

I was just introduced to the modeler, and in fact it has nothing to do with this project, but even so, I was allowed to attend the delivery place of the miniature car.
Because when I heard that you would like to make it, you will want to see the actual car when it is completed ~ ^ ^

The car this time was particular about the interior.
In the actual car, the seat part was leather and Alcantara, so it seems that the color is two blue, and as you can see from the door panel etc., two blue colors are also used. I am.

Reproduce them by painting the seat of the miniature car in two colors. The door panel is also painted in two colors.

In addition, the parts that were originally made a little rougher in the miniature car were corrected by the modeler's hands and became beautiful.

And the minicar requested by the Porsche owner this time to the modeler is not one, but two.
In addition to the 1/18 large miniature car that I have seen so far, there is also a 1/43 size model car with a small Porsche.

The smaller one was delivered in the same way as the actual car.
When a miniature car made in the same way as your own car is completed in this way, I think there is a real joy to say.
It was really good that the completed model cars were delivered safely.

When making this smaller model car, a little extra windshield was needed, so it seems that the 718 Cayman GT4 Club Sport model car could be used as a windshield of exactly the same size.
And for some reason I got the model car of the 718 Cayman GT4 Club Sport that remained after this windshield was used.
What is this for fishermen?
No, the owner and the modeler weren't particularly arguing (laughs). Anyway, I got the Cayman GT4 in between, which has nothing to do with it.
I will cherish it as a model car to commemorate this day without permission.
Thank you. I'm happy ^^

Watching the finished model car be delivered, I wanted to ask for a modification of the 992 Cabriolet model car, which I hadn't been able to ask for until now.
I told the modeler, "I'm going to get a miniature car, so please customize it again." So I'd like to ask you to customize the 992 model car in the near future.

On this day, the owner and his wife of 981 Cayman who witnessed the delivery of the model car, and also witnessed there (laugh)? Thank you to your friends and modelers for a great time in the scorching sun ^^