It wasn't the color of a shark
This time, from overseas mediaAutocarAccording to Andreas Preuninger, the head of Porsche's GT division, the origin of the new Porsche color shark blue announced in the new 992 type Porsche 911 GT3 is "the color of the yacht. It was. "

That's right ~!
Certainly, I thought that the color of the shark was quite bright blue, but I wondered if the blue of the shark was the origin of the imagination and made it brighter than the real thing so that it would look good in a car. I did.
But that was actually the color of the yacht.
Moreover, when painting a yacht, there is no such special color called "Shark Blue", and this color was the color of the yacht that Andreas happened to see while enjoying a vacation in Sardinia, Italy. ,When.

When he was relaxing on the beaches of Sardinia, a large 300-foot superyacht was passing by. The color of the yacht is a very beautiful blue color.
It is said that he immediately took a camera and went to shoot, thinking "'that's exactly the color we need".
No, it wasn't that there was such a base as "let's use the color from the sea creatures this time", but that it was the color of the yacht that I saw while sleeping on the beach (laughs).

Well, but for him, that color would be exactly what he was looking for in this GT3.
And maybe it's blue and it's the color I saw in the sea ... But the name "Yacht Blue" doesn't come out a bit, so I wonder if this is a cool "Shark Blue" flow ^^
After all, it's fun to hear this behind-the-scenes story.
When you decide something unexpectedly, it's from such an encounter that "this is it!"

It was a long time ago, but I had started a business in the United States for a while, and at that time I was wondering what to name the company.
At that time, I was enjoying a vacation at a casino in Las Vegas, but the woman sitting next to me at the blackjack table was so nice (I was an officer of Pricewaterhouse), and at that time, "This is it! I thought, and I chose her name as the company name ^^
I wonder if it's that kind of thing.
Somehow, this time, my experience also overlapped, and when I saw this Andreas yacht, it was a story that I sympathized with saying "This is it!".
◆Autocar confidential: Porsche's great blue shark, Nissan's tough scenes and more
◆Porsche 911 GT3 Shark Blue Paint Was Inspired By A Yacht