Imma in Yomiuri KoDoMo newspaper
I think there are some newspapers for children, but my family has Yomiuri Children's Newspapers.
Of the several children's newspapers, the reason why I choose this Yomiuri is that this children's newspaper is "published only once a week every Thursday".
Children love this newspaper because it comes only once a week and the news content is easy to understand even for elementary school students, and I read it every Thursday from the morning ^ ^
But the children's newspaper that arrived the other day ...
It was none other than me who won the newspaper battle for who read first. Hi, I used the power of an adult parent (Kitanai).
Because. This is this ↓

that? Have you seen this beautiful older sister somewhere? What?

That's right, the main article of this newspaper was about "Virtual Human", and as one of the virtual humans, "Imma" with this pink hair was taken up.
Porsche Taycan in the children's newspaper
Speaking of Imma, it is new to remember that it was appointed to promote Porsche Taycan.
Isn't this written as "a virtual human adopted for corporate advertising"? ?? When I turn over the newspaper ...
After all!
It came out, this photo. I thought that Taycan would definitely come! … That's a mother who gets excited by the children's newspaper, aside from the children (laughs).

The annotation of the photo says "Imma used for Porsche's advertisement".
Children have not yet recognized Taycan as Porsche
By the way, my children usually tell me that Porsche is posted on something, "Mom! Porsche is there!", But this time, even after the children saw this newspaper, the report There was no.
So ... Taycan doesn't seem to be recognized by my kids as a "Porsche" at first glance.
Sure, it's a Porsche design like never before (especially the front view in this photo), and you may not know it yet unless you look closely at the letters and logo.
Japan's first virtual human
Well, such Imma.
It may be common sense for the younger generation, but I'm too new to understand at all (is it okay to call it?), So let's take a look at the explanation.
"Virtual human from Japan". Yeah, that's right. Is Imma the first in Japan?

Furthermore, it says, "plustic boy is a younger brother." Do you have a younger brother? ??
Even so, my sister's name is Imma, and although it looks like a name, my younger brother is named Plastic Boy ...
I wondered what kind of younger brother he was, and he was also posted with Imma. He is on the right side of Imma, his younger brother Plusticboy ↓

Virtual Kernel (Sanders)
After reading through Taycan, Imma, and Imma's younger brother, there was another virtual human who suddenly became interested.
No, to be honest, I couldn't help but worry about this one.
What is that person ...

He here. Its name is Virtual Kernel! !! !!
Yeah yeah. I didn't know at all ~. Is he famous? A limited-time promotional virtual model kernel created by Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC).

The person who is the original model of him who is virtual is, of course, KFC founder "Kernel Sanders".
Mr. Kernel, he's become a virtual uncle who is really cool ... (laughs). I'm really training! Maybe repeated chicken intake and muscle training. Well, it's fried food, so you have to be careful ...

And this virtual kernel.
It's amazing even if you take it off. Around the abdominal muscles, there is a Tatoo called "Secret Recipe For Success"!
KFC's secret spice, I guess I had to carve it on my abdominal muscles ^^ Oh no, Mr. Kernel, what happened (laughs).

Personally, I prefer the usual KFC Kernel Sanders uncle to this cool uncle kernel ^^
No, at the very end, I enjoyed it with Mr. Kernel.
This is a two-shot with Imma. Even if there is a Taycan behind this, it looks good. But I hate it if I can eat KFC in Taycan.

All virtual kernel photo sourcesFrom KFC official Instagramis. It's interesting because you can see the private life of various other cool kernels.
Also, the story went awry, but it was a story that Imma, who was appointed to promote Porsche Taycan, and Taycan were published in the children's newspaper.
Various promotion of Taycan, I can't keep up with my auntie ^^