Possible consequences of drunk driving
The accident reportedly occurred in Michigan, USA, when a Taycan ran into a gas station at a tremendous speed (it is estimated that it was going up to 160km/h) and continued to spin like a bullet until the gas station stopped. It goes beyond the parking lot.
You may not understand what I'm saying, but the car in the back of this photo that looks like it's flying sideways is the Taycan↓

One man in his 20s was seriously injured in the accident, and two others suffered minor injuries.
The driver was said to be a 19-year-old woman, and although the investigation is still ongoing, it is believed that alcohol may have been a contributing factor.

What I thought was amazing was that despite this type of accident, no one died, although one person was seriously injured.
I was lucky that I didn't crash into the gas station itself, although I did end up at a gas station.

Apparently, the brother of the owner of this lot had left his Ford Escape parked in the parking lot where this Taycan was parked, so he told them to move it. He said he was glad the Ford was parked there.
This is because the Taycan's tire came off and hit this Ford, and if the Ford wasn't here, the tire might have gone somewhere and caused another accident.

Anyway, I was surprised to see the video of the Taycan flying like a bullet with such tremendous force.
It was truly a blessing in disguise that no one around me was involved.