The other day, I parked Black Carrera in a parking lot in Tokyo and walked toward the parking lot exit.
First of all, this is my Porsche 911, the black carrera I stopped ↓

After getting off my car, I walked toward the exit while looking sideways at the other cars parked in the parking lot.
And here is my black carrera that suddenly came into view ↓

that? Did my car cross?
... No, I should have walked out of my car, so my black carrera isn't parked here.
Yes, the black carrera doppelganger was parked here.
Because what's amazing is that both my carrera and this other carrera are 991.2 type, black in color, the base model, and the wheels are exactly the same.
This is my black carrera ↓

This is the other person's black carrera ↓

When I encountered this car, there was another reason why I really thought, "Oh, is my car ?!" Even the number of the car was the same! !!
The place name of the license plate is the same, the number is the same, and the car looks just like that.
This is a miracle.
When I put the two photos side by side, it looks like this, but they look very similar, right? ?? It's too disappointing to erase the number.

For a moment, I really thought, "Oh, Mr. Black Carrera, what are you doing here? When did you move to this place?" (Laughs).
If you take a closer look, the other car had a sports chrono, so if you can see it, you may have found the sports chrono on the dashboard and found out "Oh, no". However, it is a fairly high level of finding mistakes to distinguish it in an instant ^ ^

No, there are things like this.
I don't know because I didn't stare into the interior, but it's really moving to see a car that looks like this (and has the same number).
It was an event that I wanted to meet with the owner someday ^ ^
Related article:The exact same Porsche 911 doesn't exist ...!