Ferrari day trip Karuizawa drive For the most part, my actions are imaginative. Suddenly, I suddenly wanted to eat delicious "walnut soba", so "Hey, I ate walnut soba to Karuizawa (Saku to be exact) ...
New Porsche 911 Japan Premier Attack Video The new Porsche 911 was unveiled for the first time in Japan on May 28, 2019, the press announcement by Porsche Japan "The new 911. Japan premier ...
Porsche's new configurator AR app Not long ago, Porsche was "Porsche Augmented Reality Vis ..."
Let's take a closer look at the new Porsche 911 and 992 types. (What (laughs)?) Anyway, I don't know what I personally wanted to see, what I was interested in, but I don't know what it is, but like licking 992 ...
New Porsche 911 debuted in Japan By the way, the event of "The new 911 Timeless Collection" held in collaboration with two major German brands called "PORSCHE x BOSS" ...
Porsche 992 officially announced in Japan On May 28, 2019, Porsche Japan officially released the "new Porsche 911" in Japan, including the release date. * The sea is still announced ...
Porsche 911 GT3 Drive Sunday, May 26, 2019. I had some errands, so I ran the Porsche 911 GT3 to Tsukuba Circuit for a while and went out to play happily! It's been a while since I've been riding GT3 for a while ...
Replacing Porsche 911 991 Late Tires Last month, I replaced my Porsche 911 Carrera 991 Late Tires for the first time. Related article: Porsche 911 front tire replacement At that time, he changed the tires ...
Porsche911 Speedster test drive review video By the way, the test drive review video of Porsche 911 Speedster has been released at once! I haven't had time to look slowly yet ...
2019 model cars with economically smart value MOTORTREND Group is a company and market leader that conducts research on cars by analyzing the cost and price of owning cars ...
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