Practice steady circles at the Tsukuba Circuit Gymkhana track
I practiced steady circles at the Tsukuba Circuit Gymkhana course as part of an event hosted by Porsche Club Utsunomiya, which I have participated in several times in the past.

I usually participate in the event in a black Carrera (991.2 base Carrera), but on this day I went in a Crayon Cabriolet (992.1).
Did I finally feel like trying to do a steady circle with a Cabriolet? Not really.
Unfortunately, on this day, we had to suddenly decide to just observe instead of participate (tears, tears, tears).

It's all my fault.
I was fully prepared to participate and was really looking forward to the day, but a few days before the event I hurt my neck and shoulders, and although I was able to drive with the PDK, I was told that it would be best to avoid driving in steady circles where there are G forces, so I had to cancel at the last minute.
I'm very sorry for the sudden cancellation. I'm sorry.
As I wrote, "I can drive the PDK," it seems difficult to drive a manual car that requires a lot of shifting, and I can't even drive the Carrera T. Ahh.
I've already been to the hospital, so I'm sure I'll be able to drive a Carrera T after a while.
Even so, it seems that when your neck and shoulders hurt too much, you can't even get up from the bed...I couldn't raise my upper body from a sleeping position on my own, so I spent 2-3 days being unable to get up except by rolling sideways off the bed.

That was a long introduction, but for that reason I wasn't able to ride by myself that day, but since I was there I wanted to at least have a look around so I went to play.

There was one big reason why I wanted to go there that day in particular, and that was this:

Well, you wouldn't know that just by looking at the car.
The other two cars besides my Cabriolet (left) are red and black. These are the cars of Porsche ladies. On this day, two Porsche ladies participated for the first time.
I was just watching with my fingers in my mouth, thinking, "That's nice, I want to run too," but the view I saw was of a Porsche girl running in a steady circle, and a Porsche girl waiting for her turn to run next... It was a happy day.

Of course, I've always had a really fun time up until now, and I also really enjoy spending time with the men, but when women join in, I still feel a sense of camaraderie (?), and it makes me excited and happy.

I'm really happy that there are more Porsche girls who can share the experience of skid control in a Porsche and talk about it.

However, it was a really hot day.
No matter how much we watered it, it would dry out quickly, so we had to water it multiple times.

I also went outside to look around a few times, but most of the time I went inside a shed-like structure at the gymkhana course and looked around from inside.
The air conditioner is on there ^^

In the cool room, there were snacks prepared by Porsche Club Utsunomiya and others, but usually I'm in the car (or washing it (lol)) from start to finish, so I don't take a snack break.
But on this day, I was able to just stay in the room and talk with everyone, so I also enjoyed the sweets. Thank you very much.

I thought it would be nice to just go and have a look around like this once in a while.
That's because I get to talk to everyone from time to time.
Whenever I'm able to run, I just want to get better at it quickly, so I don't want to waste a single minute or second, and I end up just running.

Was it a blessing in disguise that I was able to spend this day slowly practicing steady circles? Is that the wrong way to use it (lol)?
But after watching it, I thought, "I really want to do that."
If I have the opportunity to participate again, I will try to take better care of my health next time.

Although I couldn't make a stationary circle, it was a fun day! Thank you very much.
Steady circle practice record at Tsukuba Circuit Gymkhana field (event sponsored by Porsche Club Utsunomiya):
1: September 2021 Drift practice of Porsche 911 at an event hosted by Porsche Club Utsunomiya
2: February 2022(Visit only) I went to Porsche Club Utsunomiya's regular circle turning practice event.
3: June 2022 Participated in the regular circular turning practice event of Porsche Club Utsunomiya (second time)
4: February 2023 2023 Steady circular turn start
5: June 2023 Finally achieved the goal! I was able to do one lap of the drift with the Porsche 911 (crying)
6: September 2023 Steady circular drift in Porsche 911, finally able to do 3 laps ~
7: December 2023 For the first time in a Porsche 911, it is now possible to perform steady circular drifts in fixed 2nd gear! ...and a crazy car wash
8: February 2024 Porsche 911, I was able to drift about 3 laps with 2nd gear fixed ~
9. June 2024 Visit to Tsukuba Circuit to see steady circle practice...
1: January 2023 First ice driving experience in my life: Driving on Yachiho Lake ice with BMW M3
2: January 2024 Experience driving on ice at Yachiho Lake again