Circuit driving experience with Huracan STO
Lamborghini Huracán STO, yes, even though you can drive on this public road, you can only think "No, this is a racing car, right?"I first met this car in November 2020..
And this day, about 11 months after that.
I came to Fuji Speedway with my husband.Ferrari Roma has just been deliveredSo that at first, I was thinking of going to FSW by driving Rome, but me and my husband agreed that, "No, the way back home from FSW will have too much trafic, soM3 with automatic driving modeis easier.

Then guess what?
On the same day, there was a person who came to FSW in Rome and said, "Oh, I'm in Rome!" No, I don't really understand "properly" (laughs).
And, after all, Rome is a model that greatly changes the impression of the car if the color is different. Red is also nice (the photo looks bright, but I think it was actually a bit more wine red).

Now back to the story, on this day, when I arrived at FSW and approached the paddock, there were flags fluttering in black and white in a cool way.

That's right, on this day ... wow!
I went there because I was allowed to participate in the event of riding the Huracán STO at FSW.

When I first met the Huracán STO, the Huracán STO was so like a race car that I was wondering "where and how should this car run in Tokyo city?" I never imagined that the day I drive this car would come.
But this day.
You can run the Huracán STO, and you can drive the Fuji Speedway rather than slowly on public roads^ ^

First, lunch and briefing in the Crystal room
The schedule started in the afternoon, so lunch was prepared when we arrived.
It's a buffet style (but the staff will take it for you), and it looks delicious, so I've had a few.
Actually, there are many more foods available, and everything looked delicious.

But I didn't eat so much ... Because!
I didn't know that there is a lunch prepared for us (I shouldn't have confirmed it), and so I ate McDonald's on the way to FSW! Stupid me!
That's why I was full when I arrived at FSW, but lunch was there looked nice, so I ate a littel.

By the way, after lunch, there was an presentation of Huracan STO and driving instruction before driving in the briefing room, which was also set up in the crystal room.

Even earphones that will translate the presenter was on the seat.
I thought the presantation will be spoken in Italian language.

Oh, actually the presentation was in English ^^
Therefore, when it comes to explanations in English, if you use earphones for simultaneous interpretation, you will not be able to understand both English and Japanese, so I didn't use the earphone at this time.
I was listening in English, but when I heard the explanation about vehicle of the Huracán STO in Italian language, such as Trofeo, the pronunciation of the Italian word that was so nice, I loved it.

After explaining the features of the Huracán STO, the instructors of the day were introduced and the instructors explained the precautions for driving.

Leading vehicles are Huracán EVO and Huracán STO
Looking down from the crystal room ... there are Huracan EVOs.
These Huracán EVOs will be the first leading cars for the instructor to board.

After the explanation is over, it's time to prepare for yourself.
the pit area was set up like this, that you can relax and take a break before driving. Since the Huracan STO has changed to Bridgestone tires, the exhibition of the Bridgestone tires are also displayed (it was Pirelli before).
Here too, light meals such as sandwiches, cheese and drinks are offered. Is it because of tension after running? I was saved because my throat became empty.
Helmets and gloves are essential because it is a circuit run, but those who do not have a helmet could also borrow it here.
The helmets also have the Huracan STO logo and the Lamborghini logo. Such details are perfect ^ ^

The FSW is already fully privately booked, with a fairly small number of people.

Huracan STOs appeared
When I looked out after entering the pit area, the Huracan STOs, who hadn't been there before, lined up.
What a view!!!

It's really cool.

There are 6 Huracan STOs prepared at this place.
These are all cars that have been airlifted from Italy, so they cannot run on public roads in Japan. * Another vehicle will be exhibited at domestic dealers and put out as a test drive in the future.

the only word that really comes out from my mouth is "cool", and the more flashy the coloring, the better it suits the Huracán STO! I tought.
The Huracán STO on the circuit looks like a racing car itself, and it looks more flashy than simple coloring.

At least I thought so.
This is the coolest Huracan STO that came to FSW this time.

The rest is also cool! I was thinking ... I love this red with sliver parts, too. and guess what!

This time, the Huracan STO I could drive was this cool red car!
I was so happy. Lucnky me, Cool ~

The test drive on this day offered 3 driving sessions per person.
The 1st and 2nd runs are 3 laps on the FSW main course, and the final 3rd run is 2 laps.

It's finally my turn, so I'm going to board the Huracán STO.
Well, I'm nervous!

Get on the Huracán STO and adjust the seat. I kept the "offensive seat position"as the instructor taught me exactly in the Porsche Truck Experience before.
At first, I had a hard time with the 4-point seatbelt because I couldn't see the area around my stomach while wearing a helmet (laughs), but at the end, I can put it on and take it off myself. Learned ^^!

There are three drive modes for the Huracán STO
The Huracán STO has three driving modes.
that is:
- STO (So-called base / street mode)
- TROFEO (Maximum performance on dry roads)
- PIOGGIA (Wet mode)
The STO can basically be operated automatically (+ paddle), and when it is set to Trofeo, it goes into manual mode (paddle). I didn't use wet mode because it was sunny that day.
We were told at the presentation that "If you use Trofeo, you may really slip if you step on it all at once, so don't do it all at once until you get used to it. After you get a feel for it, you can start experiencing the Trofeo mode."

When I was told that, I was a little nervous that first I started quietly in STO mode. Still, the performance is more than enough for me.
Insanely luxurious leading run
I think that "leading driving" this time is a little different from the leading driving that is generally imagined.
That's because each instructor car is followed only by two cars. Furthermore, the final third run is a one-on-one lead, in which you are the only one who follows the instructor's lead car.
It seems that some people have been driving on the circuit for the first time or for the first time in a while, so it seems that the sales staff had told the instructor in advance that this was the first time for them.
In the case of my husband and me, Our sales person told a instructor that "speed it up, they could handle it" Ha ha, so happy to know that. Thanks to our sales person ^^
It looks like this when two STOs are following a lead car (Huracan EVO). It's a really luxurious environment. ↓

I ran the first two laps of the first run in STO mode, and as I got used to it a little, I decided to use Trofeo for the cooling down on the third lap.
… But, after all, in the completely manual mode, it seemed that I could not concentrate on various things because I was still on the circuit for the first time in STO, so from the second run I run in STO mode + paddle operation.
The first thing I felt when I drove the Huracán STO was that the brakes worked really well. It worked hell good.
Even if I ran a car like this Huracán STO at full throttle, I could believe that "this brake will definitely stop this car for me", and it was a brake that I could leave to myself.
Impressive level.

And while it has various performances compared to Huracan Performante, it weighs 43 kg lighter and is a rear-wheel drive model with a rear midship.
Even so, I felt a sense of stability that made me think, "Well, isn't this a 4WD?"
On the way, when I got up in front of the Panasonic corner, I lowered the shift and stepped on too much, so the rear slipped, but I was able to recover in an instant and I was able to follow the lead car immediately.
Of course, I've learned many times in the past that I can judge and handle such "Oh, I slipped" and immediately return to my posture.Sunako JukuorPorsche truck experienceThanks to those driving lessons I attended before.
Even though I learned in past driving lessons and experiences how to manage when I slipped, I am still an amateur driver. I could manage the drive on this day that is because the car was so smart and created to be safe. I really do feel the car was made to be fast, but at the same time, safe.

The Huracán STO with a full throttle, the corner entering at a considerable speed, everything was sensual, fun and fun.
Lamborghini Huracan STO is the car to drive.
By the way, from my ability, I think I did my best to keep up with the instructor, but still I felt like "Oh, this car is saying that the he/she can still go faster and faster!" I felt this so many times while I drive this car on circuit.
I also felt that I could attack even more with my own driving (although I couldn't try since it's my first drive experience of Huracan STO), if the driver was a professional, it would have an endless performance on the road. Huracan STO is truly a racing car. I was able to realize that.
You can run with a leading car just for yourself
The third run is two laps, but it is one-on-one with the leading car.
In other words, I'm the only one behind the lead car.
Furthermore, at this time, the leading car was not the Huracan EVO, but the Huracan STO.
Hmmm, enthusiastic! !!

I think this last one-on-one run was probably "the situation where I could run the FSW fastest" for me.
If I didn't have a leading car and was told "Yes, please do a time attack alone", I'm sure I couldn't run this fast.
One-on-one leading run ↓

However, if there is only one Huracan STO to follow in front, and if you follow the running line of that Huracan STO and do the same acceleration and braking, you can run at the same pace as the instructor.
This is a chance for me to enjoy the Huracán STO to the fullest.
I tried to keep the distance of 2 cars from the leading car, and even the maximum distance of 3 cars.

As a result, I was able to drive quite happily, and at the end I was able to get the instructor to say, "You were running very well!" I was very happy, even if that was the flattery ^^
By the way, the max speed that I could see was the 277km on straight. I was able to enjoy driving the Huracán STO, which was great satisfying.
Oh well and after I finished my driving, it feels like this red cute Huracan STO is mine already, ha ha. He/she was too cute that I wanted to drive more and more.

At the end, I had a lot of fun until it got a little dark, and it was a really, really great day.
I think it will be one of the unforgettable events for me to enjoy the wonderful car called Huracán STO in sports driving on Fuji Speedway ^ ^
It was a lot of fun. The Huracán STO was a great car.

Lastly, as an aside, I had a question about the Huracán STO, so I talked to the person who gave us a presentation of the Huracán STO first.
After that, when I told my sales person, "Oh, I asked my quetion about Huracan STO for that young gentle guy over there", the sales person tole me that "Oh well, that person is the CEO of Lamborghini Japan."
When he gave us a presantation, I think I missed the part that he introduced for himeself in the first place since I think I was struggling with a translator (laughs).

He was a very nice person who responded very kindly ^^ It was a lot of fun to talk with him.
In addition, I would like to write about the STO taught by the CEO on this day and the tips that can be used with the Huracán EVO at a later date.
Also, on this day, there was one other woman running on the circuit besides me. When I talked withe her, I found out that we attended the same Porsche the Rally event on 2019!2019 Porsche RallyMore I talked with her, the more fun it was ^^
I adore the lifestyles that the couple enjoy in their cars, and I can tell from the story that they really enjoy all of them.
It was a really wonderful encounter that made me very happy just to hear various stories, and I was very happy to have such an encounter here ^ ^

Lamborghini has given us wonderful experiences and experiences in our lives and brought us wonderful encounters.
And a very fun and exciting model called Huracan STO.
This Huracán STO is exactly "Based on the True Story" and what this means is:
Lamborghini's technology acquired by Squadra Corse (racing team) in motor sports so far.
I met the Lamborghini Huracán STO ~
This Lamborghini Huracan STO is the result of the Lamborghini racing team creating a car that can run on public roads by gathering the technologies that have been used.
It was an experience that I could really feel that.
Thank you so much for a wonderful and memorable experience in my life.
Thank you very much to Lamborghini Japan, Cornes, and the Lamborghini sales representative of Cornes ^^! !! I loved the event, and loved the people there, and most importantly, LOVED the Huracan STO.
Learn more about the Lamborghini Huracán STO:I met the Lamborghini Huracán STO ~
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