2018 Super GT Round 5 Fuji Final and other stories ...
2018/08/07 -Etc .: Other, Race: Race, Porsche: Porsche
By the way, I would like to write about the Super GT Round 5 Fuji Speedway Final that went on Sunday, August 5, 2018, and other things at that time. Recently, running in Porsche is irresistibly fun, so in Tokyo ...
2018 Super GT Round 5 Fuji Final & Porsche Carrera Cup Round 10
2018/08/06 -Etc .: Other, Race: Race, Porsche: Porsche
I went to watch the "Super GT Round 5 Fuji Final" and "Porsche Carrera Cup (PCCJ) Round 10" held at Fuji Speedway on August 5, 2018 (Sun)! I'm going to Fuji Speedway these days ...
Porsche "Classic Project Gold"
2018/08/04 -Porsche: Porsche
Porsche builds a new special car and goes to auction auction Last month there was a glimpse of the news that Porsche Classic launched a project called "Classic Project Gold", but much more talk after that ...
What does Porsche 911 say in English about the teary eyes of "996"?
2018/08/04 -Porsche: Porsche
The feature of Porsche 996 is the headlight with "tears" in the July 2018 issue of the UK magazine "Car Magazine", and Porsche 911 had a special feature on "996". The specs are as follows: Por ...
UK magazine "Car Magazine" June 2018 issue
2018/08/02 -Media: TV, magazines, etc., Porsche: Porsche
Porsche GT3 RSThis is the June 2018 issue of the UK magazine "Car Magazine" (the June issue is now ...). * For copyright protection, the text in the magazine is blurred. In commemoration of the 70th anniversary of Porsche, the content was centered on Porsche No ...
Seeing off Porsche Touring ... With the longed-for Porsche 911 GT3s!
It's a weekend. I was invited to go touring with Porsche, but due to the schedule, I was planning to not participate ... but just before the day of touring, "This day's touring is Porsche of this secretary .. ..
Porsche 993 @ Tokyo parking lot
2018/07/29 -Porsche: Porsche
At a certain parking lot in Tokyo, I always think that Porsche's parking rate is extremely high every time I stop. When I decided to stop this day, Porsche was in front of me! Porsche 911 is 993. Furthermore, Boxster. ...
Blancpain GT Asia @ FSW Part 7: Lambo and Pagani Huayra, etc.
2018/07/28 -Etc .: Other, Race: Race, Lamborghini: Lamborghini, Porsche: Porsche, ◆ July 21-22, 2018 Blancpain GT Series Asia @FSW
Lastly, I would like to mention a few things other than the race, such as the car I encountered at Fuji Speedway. Thank you for staying with us on the Blancpain GT blog for a long time. This is the last (laughs). Lamborghin ...
Blancpain GT Asia @ FSW Part 6: Support Porsche in Round 8 of the 2nd day!
2018/07/27 -Etc .: Other, Race: Race, Porsche: Porsche, ◆ July 21-22, 2018 Blancpain GT Series Asia @FSW
Support the Porsche team with "Blancpain GT Series ASIA Races 7-8 (Blancpain GT Series Asia Round 7 & Round 8)"! Round 8 on the second day of July 22, 2018 (Sunday) is also ...
Blancpain GT Asia @ FSW Part 5: Day 2 The One Make Race Festival 2018 FUJI Summer
2018/07/26 -Etc .: Other, Race: Race, Porsche: Porsche, ◆ July 21-22, 2018 Blancpain GT Series Asia @FSW
First of all, from the schedule of the second day of The One Make Race Festival 2018 FUJI Summer. I really saw various races on this day ...