Stealth (?) Meeting in Ninja Town
The other day, on the way to Kansai for business, I stopped by the Shin-Meishin Konan parking area in Shiga prefecture.
I think it's my first time in Shiga prefecture.

I saw a little about what Konan PA is like on the internet in advance, but it says that there is a ninja in this PA.
Ninja? When I think about it, I see. This PA is located in Konan-cho, Koka City, Shiga Prefecture, and it is exactly the Koka City of the Ninja Koga style.
The PA, which I arrived thinking that it was a ninja town, had a slightly elevated place where I could see the surrounding scenery. It was very comfortable to be surrounded by nature.

Looking back at the PA parking lot on the other side of the view of nature, is that there? It looks like two nice cars are parked side by side?

What are these two!

When I approached, there were two cars that were too nice ~ ^^!
Yes, I'm sorry. It's the same pattern as before, but this one is my M3. And the other one is Mr. Alpina.
This time, I stopped by this ninja town for the purpose of meeting this Alpina B3S and its owner.

Did you go to line up Porsche?
I really wanted to meet this Alpina owner, so I asked him to come all the way under the very hot and glaring sun.
The owner of Alpina said, "ALPINA brilliantA person named MOCO who writes a blog called.

I haven't written almost anything about Alpina on this blog before, so why did I know MOCO's Alpina blog and even push it to Shiga prefecture?
There is only one answer.
Until about this spring, MOCO's car was Porsche, in fact it was a Porsche connection ^ ^

From the time I learned about MOCO's blog until this spring, the content of the blog was mostly about Boxster's favorite car.
At first it was such an encounter with Porsche connection (although I have not met at that time ^ ^).

From the contents of the Boxster blog, the comments I receive from MOCO once in a while, and the contents when I was exchanging a little by e-mail, I could see MOCO's very nice personality.
That's why my desire to "I want to see you once someday" and "I want to line up MOCO's Black Boxster and my black Carrera someday" became stronger.

Finally, that dream came true, and I was able to meet MOCO-san on this day, and I was able to line up the cars again! !!
Yes, that black Boxster that I have seen on my blog many times and my beloved black Carrera are finally lined up ... not! !! !!

MOCO's car has changed to Alpina B3S, and this time I am also a BMW M3.
Somehow, what was supposed to be that "Porsche meeting" was completely like a "BMW meeting" (laughs).
But this kind of feeling "It's not Porsche each other, but it's okay" seems to be like me with MOCO again (what kind of feeling?), It was really good ^ ^
The Alpina blue that I saw up close was a very beautiful color.

MOCO and I are planning to line up two Porsche cars, but we will take a picture of BMW and Alpina side by side in the scorching heat.
My husband took a picture of it from a distance. I'm sure I was wondering, "Is this a so-called metamorphosis companion?" (Laughs).
In my mind, I imagine a landscape where Black Boxster and Black Carrera are lined up in front of me. Alpina and M3 in the real world, but Boxster and Carrera lined up in me, maybe ^ ^

Accidental reunion with another person I wanted to meet
Oh yeah, when deciding where to meet for the day, another PA was initially mentioned as a candidate.
However, as mentioned above, this Konan PA seemed to be more fun because there were ninjas, so I chose this Konan PA, but that was good!
After all, when I entered the PA shop, I found something that said, "This is the last PA you can buy curls."
I forgot! !! Well, you can buy curls! !! No, I'm impressed.

It's been a few years since I couldn't buy curls in Tokyo.
When I learned that I couldn't meet, I used to buy a few bags, but now I've forgotten even the existence of Uncle Carl ... I was thinking of forgetting, but I came here in Shiga prefecture. It was a reunion at.
Uncle Carl, I wanted to meet you! !! I really wanted to meet and I wanted to meet.
So, this was the last PA that Karl could buy, so it was a great answer to make this meeting place Konan PA ^ ^
Of course, you can buy it in a box. I won't give this to anyone anymore.
Don't give it to children who don't know Karl's existence (I'm sure I'm happier if I don't know ...).

On this day, I was very happy to have a nostalgic reunion with Uncle Carl and to meet MOCO, who I wanted to meet after all.
People who meet through Porsche in this way, even if the beginning is a blog or SNS, usually when they meet, they will feel "not the first time to meet" from the first time they meet as expected ^ ^

This time again, Porsche connected me with a very, very nice connection.
MOCO, thank you for meeting us in a hurry during the hot weather ^^!
MOCO's blog:ALPINA brilliant