Porsche 964 called Mega 30 of STROSEK DESIGN
Strosek designThe Porsche 964 called Mega30 is a great car that costs about 40 million yen, but it seems that this Porsche was not only expensive but also too sexy for Google.

An article written by overseas media about this Porsche 964 is said to be "contains sexually explicit content" by Google's AI.
Of course, Porsche's design (body line) is very sexy, and everyone loves that ass, right?
And no matter how much I look at it, I only get the feeling that it's "oh, nice" ... but it doesn't seem like Google's attention is that it's too sexual.
It's sexy, but it's different from that ...? ??

If there is something wrong with the site, Google teacher will tell you that there is a problem, but will not tell you the details that "this is the problem", so this time As for the article about Porsche 964, it seems that it was not clear what was too sexual.

However, when I finally examined various things and deleted the photo of the interior of this 964, it was said that there was no uselessness from Mr. Google.
Yes, I concluded that it was probably the interior of this 964 that was the problem. ↓

Indeed, the sheet certainly looks like the color of the skin, and if you think that it looks like a person, does it look like a person?
It means that AI mistaken this sheet for a naked body ... I wonder (laughs).

Anyway, is it sexy enough to receive a cautionary recommendation from Google teacher that it is "too sexual"? It was Porsche 964 ^ ^

Source:Google's AI Finds This Strosek Porsche Interior Photo Sexually Arousing