I'm not sure what the official name is, but this is the story when I opened the hood of a Porsche 911 and opened the cover at the top of the front trunk.
The other day, when I wrote about the fact that the tire filling compressor was missing from the MY23 Porsche 911 Carrera, I removed this cover part and checked it.
Can you see that the top of the trunk is a mess? Originally, there is a cover here↓

This time it's a really small detail, but it's about when I put the cover back on after the cover was removed.
This cover fits neatly if you align the cover in place and snap it into place, but it didn't work just by snapping it into place.
Here it is just snapped on↓

Do you know what's wrong?
It is circled here in yellow↓

yes. It's a very small detail (lol), but the rubber in this part often doesn't fit properly just by snapping it on.

I hadn't noticed it at all until now, but when I removed this cover on my Carrera T and reattached it, I noticed that the sales staff at PC Takanawa had taken great care in redoing it. As expected of a sales person! !
If you just reinstall the cover, this rubber part will get stuck under the cover.
Therefore, it is necessary to carefully expose this rubber part (of course, it is not essential as it is not related to the function).

This is what it looks like when you remove the rubber completely.

After all, it's better to look beautiful.

So, this is a very detailed story, but I thought it was a surprising blind spot, so if you have removed this cover inside the front hood, please check this rubber part once.
I'm a type B, and I'm very picky, but when it comes to Porsche, I'm curious about a lot of things (lol).
Related article:Lithium-ion battery for Porsche 911 Carrera T (992.1)