Replaced with crayon (992.1) and picked up.
Well, I received a notification that the repair of the black Carrera that broke at the end of 2023 was completed, so I immediately went to pick it up.
A story about when it broke→Broken black Carrera...2: Story of being saved by Porsche Center Kawagoe
Coincidentally, I was making an appointment for a vehicle inspection for Crayon's 911 Cabriolet (992.1), so I drove the cabriolet to the Porsche Center, left the cabriolet there, and changed to a black Carrera before returning home.

I was able to get a two-shot of the two cars unexpectedly, so I'm in a good mood ^^

Cause of 911 brake failure unknown
Well, the black Carrera had a symptom of brake fluid leaking slowly, but the cause is currently unknown.
For the time being, just like last time, the entire caliper was replaced.
The story of the last time it broke→Mr. Black Carrera who broke ...

↑ Above is the newly replaced front right caliper, below ↓ is the left front caliper that has not been replaced.
For newer models, the pure white letters of PORSCHE make it feel new ^^
yeah,Crest orientationBoth have become strange.

The parts that seemed to be problematic were replaced, and we decided to take it back as there were no brake fluid leaks confirmed at this time.
As for the cause, it seems like the process will be to send the parts before replacement to Porsche Japan and have them figure it out, but I wonder if they'll figure out the cause.

I'd like to know what caused it if possible. By knowing this, we may be able to learn something that will lead to future countermeasures.
However, when a part broke last time, they said they would send a report to Germany, but the subsequent report was that there was a high possibility that the brake pipe product was defective, so this time as well, the result was the same. I sometimes wonder if it will become so.

I don't know if there is a causal relationship between the cause of the previous failure and the cause of this failure.
Product defects... I'm sure that such things can happen even with Porsche. But I find myself wondering why it happened to my car twice.
Does the same brake pipe product defect happen twice by chance? to me?

What is it?
Thankfully, both times I had problems with the brakes, I was able to get through them without any serious problems, so I wonder if it's because of God, my ancestors, or the Black Carrera. I don't know, but I can only thank you.

For the time being, this is a future measure that can be taken now, but if the parts broke like last time, the brakes would have stopped working at that point, so it would be no good, but like this time, for some reason, the brake fluid is slowly leaking. I have been told how to check if something is missing.
First, cut the tires as hard as you can...

Look behind the tire.
They applied white paint (developer?) to the brake pipe area, so I checked there.
If you see something that looks like fluid flowing in this white area, you know that brake fluid is leaking.

It's hard to check it every time, but it's scary, so I'd like to check it at least once a month (and before I participate in any kind of driving program).

Brake issues are scary. Furthermore, for someone like me who is technically ignorant, I don't understand what's going on, and even though it's my own fault for being ignorant, it's still scary.
The black Carrera is back, but today I had plans to drive at high speed, so I ended up using the Carrera T. I even thought about avoiding black Carreras for a while when carrying children.
I would like to ride slowly on public roads for a while, and then once I feel at ease again, I would like to return to various things.
But of course, I love Kuro Carrera so much that I want to be with her until I die, unless she completely breaks down ^^
Related article:
◆Broken black Carrera...2: Story of being saved by Porsche Center Kawagoe
◆Mr. Black Carrera who broke ...
◆There is a rule in the direction of the crest mark on the Porsche wheel center cap