What is an exclusive design tail light?
My Porsche 911 Cabriolet (992) has an optional "Exclusive Design Taillight".
What this is is that the part where the tail light is normally red is clear (= it looks blackish), and the third brake light above the vertical line on the rear is also clear and not red something like.

From the time I learned that this option was available for the 992 model, I said, "If the day comes to buy the 992, I will definitely add this option!" I was delusional.
And here is the rear of 992 with that option ↓ Hmm, cool ^ ^

By the way, it was when I was in a good mood for a drive with the 992 with such a favorite option.
It was when I parked my car in a certain parking area, washed my toilet, and then walked toward the parking lot to get back to my car.

I understand?
At first glance, there are two crayon-colored 992s in sight. For a moment, I wondered, "Which one?"
If you look closely, there is a difference between a coupe and a cabriolet, and the appearance is also quite different, such as different wheels, but even so, I never imagined that the same crayon 992 would be so close, so I just glanced at it. You can think that the pedestal is your own car.
The yellow arrow on the left is the other car, and the green arrow on the right is mine ^^

Since it's a big deal, I saw the 992, which looks exactly like it.
I really wanted to talk to the owner, but I gave up because I didn't wait for a while.
Comparison of red tail light and clear tail light
and! !!
This owner's 992 did not have a tail light option, so I was able to see what it would look like with a red tail light with a crayon 992.
This is the crayon 992 with red tail lights and third brake lights ↓

And here is the tail light & third brake light is clear, that is, crayon 992 that is not red ↓

When I compare the two in this way, yeah, the red one is nice too! !!
Before I saw the actual car, I had always dreamed of "clearing the taillights!", So I didn't hesitate about this when ordering, but if I had "what should I do with the taillights?" If I was worried about "it doesn't matter which one", I might not have been able to decide enough to compare the two.
The red one has a different color and the overall feeling is soft and beautiful, and if you want a cooler and colder feeling, I think it's okay to clear it.
In the future, I thought that some people might be wondering what to do with the tail lights, so I'll put two of them side by side! !!
Please get lost (laughs).

I was so happy to meet Crayon 992 by chance ~ ^^
Related article:
◆ Option to clear the third brake light of the new Porsche 911 (992)
◆ Porsche 992: Option changes / additions from the 2021 model
◆ Porsche 911 purchase notes: ② Porsche 911 specification decision