Taycan filmed at PEC Tokyo
Since this year, a video explaining the features of Porsche Taycan has been released overseas so that even children can easily understand it, and a version with a Japanese translation was also released a while ago.
reference:Mr. Bill Nighy who explains Taycan's technique so that even children can understand it
And this time in JapanPorsche Experience Center TokyoA video explaining "Porsche Taycan's highlights" taken at Porsche Japan was also released by Porsche Japan.

The characters in this video are with Mr. Alexander Quars, Porsche Japan's product manager ...

Two people, Mr. Kenichiro Maeda, Marketing & CRM Director of Porsche Japan.

The highlights of Taycan are briefly explained by the two people exchanging conversations.
Among them, Mr. Maeda said to Mr. Alex, "What kind of feeling does it feel when you experience (Taycan)?" I can't stop (laughs).

I'm sure that everyone was grinning at the time of shooting this video, and I could only imagine the scene when I was watching it ^ ^
No, you shouldn't look at it with such a grin.
Since the original important mission of this video is "to convey the highlights of Taycan", I also reviewed the highlights of Taycan firmly!

Here is the video (2:55). This is a short video, so please take a look ^^ ↓