Porsche Japan YouTube
I didn't notice it at all.
The official YouTube channel of Porsche Japan was opened on June 11, 2021 ~ ^ ^!
Porsche Japan Official YouTube Channel
At the moment, the number of subscribers is 627.

In the past month or so since this channel was created, past videos have been uploaded at once, but the uploaded videos have Japanese captions or subtitles.
For example beforeCommercial "Haste" made by PorscheWith Japanese subtitles ↓

Click here for the video:
Perhaps these videos with Japanese subtitles were originally prepared when each original video was released, but I was a little impressed because I had not seen such a Japanese version at all.
It seems that I have never seen this Harajuku Taycan video (I just did not notice it):
I'm sure that this Porsche Japan official YouTube channel will be utilized from now on (maybe?), So if you are interested, why not subscribe to the channel.
I got it right away ~ ^^!