Looking for a 5-seater family car Well, I went. Take the BMW 650i all the way to Odaiba. Related article: Looking for a car for a family of 5 ... Bentley Bentayga test drive It's not really all the way, but it arrived ...
It's been a year since I last wrote this blog, "What kind of car is behind my car?" Early! So, suddenly it's a problem ^^ The other day, I was in a good mood and ran with black carrera ...
It is possible to make either Targa or turbo with one kit LEGO has announced a new air-cooled Porsche 911 kit ^ ^ This kit is "2 in 1", one kit The person who makes it by buying ...
Huawei P30 lite, sinking in water ... Well, this blog has nothing to do with Porsche, cars, or anything. But I was so impressed that I would like to write it. I hope it will be of some help to anyone in the future ...
Collaborative GT-R model commemorating the 50th anniversary of birth Recently, it is difficult to go out in the city because an emergency declaration is being announced, but on this day I have a little business and an opportunity to walk in Ginza for the first time in a while But. When that happens ...
Making a frame with a 3D pen I once bought a 3D pen, a toy for children, that allows me to draw things in 3D (Is it okay to say that?). Since the ink (gel?) Hardens, you can draw something three-dimensionally ...
Bulletproof Porsche 911 made by Porsche instead of a third party I wrote a blog a while ago about "Ferrari 458 Speciale that can be shot with Magnum bullets". But I will introduce it at this time ...
A sprinkler that I've always been interested in I sometimes take part in driving lessons. When I go to such places, I often use a sprinkler to water the lines on which the cars run. Every time, this ...
In fact, a 5-seater family car that I had been worried about for a long time When I looked back at the blog, as of November 2019, I said "Go to BMW in search of a family car" and found a car that can accommodate 5 family members. I was looking for ...
The Taycan is not a turbo S, but in the video that Porsche officially uploaded the other day with a turbo, there was a thing to race the following three cars. The three Porsche models that raced are: Porsche Thai Canter ...
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