Porsche blog of Porsche owner woman of 911 Carrera (991.2 & 992). Experience and information of Porsche 911 and supercar, Porsche, Ferrari, Lamborghini purchase & ownership record etc. I love Porsche! * English version is automatic translation

911 Supercars | ポルシェブログ

"Etc .: Other" list

I went to Sunako Juku again

Driving lessons at Tsukuba Circuit Gym Kana Field At the end of 2020, I participated in the Sunako Juku (instructors: Takashi Tofuya & Seiji Ara) held at Tsukuba Circuit as a payment for last year's driving lessons ...

Roads that can only be passed by vehicles with a width of 2 m or less

It was a few days ago. My husband and I had a rare time to spare that we had no plans or errands. Furthermore, at that time, I was riding a Porsche 911 for the schedule before and after that. We both confirm with each other, "Do you want to go somewhere?"

The shift pattern of a manual car is strange

2021/01/15   -Etc .: Other

American tire manufacturer Firestone In the United States, there is a store called "Firestone" that mainly deals with tires (I think). A big chain store where you don't know how many stores there are in the United States alone. ...

Camper experience 3: First sunrise at Mt. Fuji, meat bun making, Itako

2021/01/08   -Etc .: Other

After enjoying one night and two days from December 29th to 30th on my first camper trip to Mt. Fuji, which was my first goal, I spent the night of December 30th at home, but the next morning, December 31st. On the day, "Then, where are you today ...

Camper experience 2: Ise Jingu, ferry, Hamamatsu

2021/01/07   -Etc .: Other

First night and two days at Cabcon In this blog, I wrote a lot about cars, but I didn't write much about my personal travels. However, this time is the first camper in my life ...

First Camper Experience: Family Trip at Cabcon

2021/01/06   -Etc .: Other

Camper's first experience in my life For a while, I was thinking about what to do while thinking about the situation of this corona about the schedule for the year-end and New Year holidays to 2021. One day, I carry my car such as Porsche on it ...

Have a good year

Thank you for 2020. 2020 has become a completely different year due to the sudden change in the living environment of many people called Corona. Still, thus 2020 1 ...

2020 driving lesson payment is Sunako Juku

Black Carrera returning from repair, celebration of resurrection at Sunako Juku ~ A little while ago, my beloved Porsche 911 Carrera that broke just before I participated in the Porsche Truck Experience on November 5th. Then for repairs ...

A camper that can carry Porsche

2020/11/29   -Etc .: Other

German camper van: Volkner Mobil The other day, when I was looking at an overseas site, there was a camper van that had Porsche stored in the car as it was, so I wondered "what the hell is this?"

Buy Kakazan driving gloves

2020/11/20   -Etc .: Other

CACAZAN, Impulse Buying Until a few years ago, I didn't really feel the need for driving gloves for my sloppy driving. If I'm running in the city or at high speeds, with my bare hands ...
