"Poster Archive: Rika (911supercars.com)" List
Is Porsche Experience Center Tokyo Tokyo? e?
2020/11/25 -Porsche: Porsche
The 9th Porsche Experience Center in the World (PEC Tokyo) The other day, it was announced that the 9th Porsche Experience Center in the world will open in Japan in the end of the summer of 2021.
[Additional notes] New Porsche 911 GT3 (992) official prototype released
2020/11/25 -Porsche: Porsche
Porsche development legend Andreas Preuninger introduces the 992 GT3 Not long ago, a new Porsche by Andreas Preuninger, who is said to be a Porsche development legend ...
Porsche Taycan sets Guinness record with longest drift
2020/11/24 -Porsche: Porsche
Porsche TaycanThe longest drift Guinness record as an electric vehicle Porsche's proud full electric vehicle, Taikan, is said to have opened a new era for Porsche in 2019. Such a Taycan is finally! That on November 10, 1951 ...
I met the Lamborghini Huracán STO ~
2020/11/22 -Lamborghini: Lamborghini
Lamborghini The Lounge Tokyo Lamborghini's lounge, "THE LOUNGE TOKYO," announced that it opened at the end of October 2020.
Miracle on Instagram
2020/11/21 -Porsche: Porsche
Two recent Instagram things A little while ago, the Porsche Center (EBI Group) will publish "Porsche-related stories posted by Porsche owners" from December to Christmas ...
Buy Kakazan driving gloves
2020/11/20 -Etc .: Other
CACAZAN, Impulse Buying Until a few years ago, I didn't really feel the need for driving gloves for my sloppy driving. If I'm running in the city or at high speeds, with my bare hands ...
Don't let the moose lick the car
2020/11/20 -Etc .: Other
Moose loves the salt on his car. It was a story I didn't hear in Japan, so I thought, "Hey!" It has recently been written on road warning signs in Canada and elsewhere, "Don't let the moose lick your car! 』...
Porsche Carrera GT 20th Anniversary: Top 5 Highlights of Carrera GT
2020/11/18 -Porsche: Porsche
Porsche Carrera GT (Carrera GT)20 years after the Carrera GT concept car was announced The Porsche Carrera GT was announced by Porsche as a concept car in September 2000. Twenty years have passed since then. early! At the turning point of the last 20 years, Pol ...
Shark blue Porsche 911 GT3 (992 type), isn't it?
2020/11/16 -Porsche: Porsche, ◆Porsche 911 (992.1 model)
Article of 992 Porsche GT3 that was uploaded to the German media and deleted immediately ★ Addition (2020.11.25) ★ A few days after writing this article, more new information came out, so please click here ~: [Additional note] ] New Porsche ...
Addendum about Mini Cooper
2020/11/16 -BMW: BM W, Etc .: Other
Rent a Mini Cooper My beloved Porsche 911 Carrera is currently under repair and I am renting a Mini Cooper. What a lovely car, so that you can feel a little cute as a Mini Cooper girl ...