Porsche blog of Porsche owner woman of 911 Carrera (991.2 & 992). Experience and information of Porsche 911 and supercar, Porsche, Ferrari, Lamborghini purchase & ownership record etc. I love Porsche! * English version is automatic translation

911 Supercars | ポルシェブログ

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I'm taking a 2 week break from the blog.

Posted: Posted:

Thank you so much to everyone who always comes to visit this blog.

There are so many things I want to write about, and I have so many things I think to myself like, "I want to write about this and that, I want to share," but because this blog is not for work, but is something I write purely as a hobby in my free time, I just can't find the time to write everything down (tears tear).

In the midst of all this, and although I still haven't been able to write everything I want to write about at this point, due to various circumstances I will be taking a break from blogging for about two weeks.

I'll be returning sometime in April, so I'd be happy if you could come and visit me again.

Please note that from today until my return, I may be delayed in responding to comments and other social media accounts (X, Instagram, Facebook, LINE, etc.).

If any shocking Porsche news comes out between now and when I resume blogging in April, I won't be able to post it on the blog, so if that happens, I'd be happy if you could just think, "I'm probably frustrated and angry because I can't write about it" (laughs).

See you later!

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