Suddenly on February 1, 2025
"The Supervisory Board of Porsche (Dr. Ing. hc F. Porsche Aktiengesellschaft) has authorized its Chairman to enter into discussions regarding the amicable early termination of the terms of two executive members."
It was announced that:
The two officers are:
- Lutz Meschke(Deputy Chairman of the Executive Board and Executive Board member for Finance and IT)
- Detlev of PlatenMr. (Executive Board member for Sales and Marketing)
Both Lutz Meschke (executive director of finance and IT) and Detlef von Platen (executive director of sales and marketing) are considered key members of Porsche's executive team, so why is Porsche suddenly asking these two to "end their terms early"?

What happened???
What is happening???

I'll follow up when more details come out.