Currently, there are a total of 10 body colors for Porsche's electric vehicle Taycan, which can be confirmed with overseas Porsche configurators (as of December 6, 2019).

The 10 colors are the following colors, and they are standard colors that can be selected free of charge except for Carmine Red.

- White: White
- Black: Black
- Carrera White Metallic: Carrera White Metallic
- Jet Black Metallic: Jet Black Metallic
- Volcano Gray Metallic: Volcano Gray Metallic
- Dolomite Silver Metallic: Dolomite Silver Metallic
- Gentian Blue Metallic: Gentian Blue Metallic
- Frozen Blue Metallic: Frozen Blue Metallic
- Mamba Green Metallic: Mamba Green Metallic
- Carmine Red: Carmine Red
Click here to see 10 colors in a large photo:Body color, interior, wheel list from Porsche Taycan price & configurator
A new color has been added to the body color of Taycan, making it a total of 17 colors
This time, this Porsche Taycan catalog (English version) was available for download as a PDF, so when I looked at it, new colors were added to the catalog, and the body color of Taycan is "17 colors in total" It was.
* The Taycan catalog download is at the bottom of this page ^^

10 body colors that have already been announced
First of all, these 10 colors are the exterior colors of Taycan that have already been announced on the configurator and in the media ↓
The Taycan, which was unveiled for the first time in Japan the other day, was the only special color Carmine Red that costs an option cost among these 10 colors.
Reference article: I met Porsche Taycan ~ @Scopes Tokyo

7 new body colors added
And these 7 colors are new colors that were listed in the Taycan catalog and have not been reflected in the configurator yet (as of December 6, 2019).
- Mahogany Metallic: Mahogany Metallic
- Frozen Berry Metallic: Frozen Berry Metallic
- Cherry Metallic: Cherry Metallic
- Coffee Beige Metallic: Coffee Beige Metallic
- Neptune Blue: Neptune Blue
- Crayon: Crayon
- Ice Gray Metallic: Ice Gray Metallic

The last three, Neptune Blue, Crayon, and Ice Gray Metallic are special colors.
Somehow, I was surprised to see cute colors such as frozen berry metallic. Also, coffee beige metallic is one of the colors I would like to see in the actual car. Does it suit Taycan?
Even so, in Taycan, there are many color names such as "frozen", "ice", "Neptune", etc. that seem to be cold, so it is still a future feeling, so is "cold" the image rather than "warm"?
No, Neptune = Neptune is somewhat distant, looks blue, and has a lot of ice ... So I just have the image of "it looks cold" ^^
Since these 7 additional colors have not been reflected in the configurator yet, you can only see them in small pictures, so I would like to see large pictures as soon as possible.
Taycan interior color (interior color)
Looking at the interior colors listed in the Taycan catalog, it seems that there are more variations here as well.

Porsche Taycan Catalog (PDF) Download
You can download the Porsche Taycan catalog, which also includes these body colors and interior colors, from the following (English version).
Various colors are coming out, so I'd be happy if I could meet various colors even in Taycan running in Japan. I'm looking forward to it! !!
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List of articles about Porsche Taycan