The first photo was in 1960, and this time in 2021
I was impressed.
There is a video of about 6 and a half minutes at the end of this page, and I was impressed to see it. In this way, Porsche that connects the present with the family that has inherited the old feelings.
Ah, when I write it as a family, it gives me a sense of wild speed ... No, it's not like that, and if you have the time, this is a must-see.

As you can see, what the video is about this time is the story when I took a "photo of jumping on a Porsche Taycan turbo with skis".
This photo is a modern version of the 1960 "ski jumping over the Porsche 356B" (pictured by Hans Truöl).

Austrian Olympic athlete (ski) gold medalist Egon Zimmermann in 1960 is jumping over 356.
At that time, what was expressed through this photograph was "athleticism, courage, joie de vivre". In other words, "athletic ability, courage, and joy of living."

This year in 2021, it was Aksel Lund Svindal of Norway, who is also an Olympic athlete gold medalist, who jumped over the Taycan this time.

In this making video, Egon's brother and nephew, who jumped in 1960, will appear. Egon himself died in 2019.
The younger brother said, "He (Mr. Egon) was more than an older brother to me and was a role model."

And about Mr. Axel who jumped this time, "When I participated in the Olympics, he and my brother both have the same number 7 and both are winning gold medals on the downhill," he said by chance. I don't see it as a thing.

And when this 2021 jump is done, Porsche said, "It is important to spend the time when the family is there and jumps beyond Taycan," and the younger brother and nephew were also present at this place. increase.
Everyone follows the appearance of skiing on the Taycan and sees the moment of the jump and is impressed.

The moment I'm jumping ... I think my brother could have seen his brother there ...! !!
Hah. Impressed.
I was really impressed. Jumping on skis and going over the top of the car is amazing, but what impresses me more is that it's a different place and a feeling.

At the moment of the jump, the video also switched from Taycan to 356, so it is more "remembering the old days".
... Ah, no, I haven't seen the old days, but for some reason I jumped over the 356, and I think I had seen it a long time ago? It makes me feel like "remembering the old days" ^^

Finally, the younger brother said, "If my brother could choose the person to make this new jump, he would still have chosen Mr. Axel."

At the time of this new jump, Mr. Axel is wearing something similar to the sweater that Mr. Egon came to when he jumped 356, and each of this jump has various feelings. I was told that I was there.

This jump was also featured in Porsche Magazine's Christophorus No. 400, which also features a graphic arrangement of photographs by American designer Jeffrey Docherty.

Time has passed from the time of Porsche 356 to the time of Porsche's latest Porsche Taycan, but I felt that there is something that does not change.
When Porsche is 356 and when it is Taycan, I feel that it has even been transmitted that Porsche is always in Porsche ^ ^
Here is the video of that 6:31 ↓
◆ (Official) The Porsche Jump: the drive to keep pushing the boundaries
◆ (Official) Christophorus