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Etc .: Other Porsche: Porsche ◆ My beloved black carrera (991.2)

Carrera in mourning clothes

Posted: September 9, 2019 Updated:

A week of strange events

I was wondering what kind of title "Carrera in mourning" was ... but it was really Carrera in mourning, so I will write it.

Last week, due to various reasons, it was my first time to drive a carrera in mourning, but just because the Porsche 911 I am driving is a black car, I feel uncomfortable going to the funeral hall by carrera. So, I parked at the parking lot about 15 minutes away from the funeral hall, and from there I took a taxi to the funeral hall.

But, I think it was my first feeling to drive my favorite Porsche 911 in mourning. When I'm driving a Porsche, I'm usually feeling up, but I can't feel up.

When I was thinking about various things and running, I was distracted and thought that I was absent, so I decided to drive more carefully.

And ... set aside the story that seems to be dark.

Yes, the reason why I dared to write this is that this kind of complicated feeling has changed around me during the past week. I feel like I just got up.

This time, there are a lot of things that have nothing to do with cars, but for the past week, what I've seen has been a series of things that make me wonder, "What ?! What's happening?" Let me write.

A mysterious experience from Carrera in mourning.

When you write ..., do you imagine a little spiritual feeling? No, it's completely different (laughs).

Then I would like to go.

First from here. No, I couldn't take a picture of the most amazing moment, so I'm wondering if it's just from the picture here, but when I stopped at a traffic light somewhere in Tokyo.

Suddenly, in front of the windshield, it looks like dust? Something started to dance.

Thinking "What, what?", If you take a closer look, each one is flying! !! Somehow it looks like an insect.

And even when the traffic light turned blue and I started running, about 5 of them remained stuck to the windshield, and when I parked the car at the destination after that, one of them was still stuck, so I saw it from the outside. Saw.

Apparently, this is a stink bug? Or some kind of baby? ??

Yes, it's possible that the stink bug eggs hatched all at once, right above the black carrera and very close to it. It was just a place with a lot of greenery. I wonder if it is different.

Really suddenly, wow! It feels like I was at the center of where the little things danced together. This wasn't in the car, I was screaming if I was walking, maybe (laughs).

However, it is also amazing to be able to witness with black carrera in the place where such lives are born all at once.

And here is the next.

It was when I was driving in Tokyo with a black carrera and stopped because the traffic light turned red again. An uncle riding a bicycle crossed the pedestrian crossing in front of me.

When I casually looked at it, I saw something moving in the basket of the bicycle, so I was worried and looked closely, saying, "Oh, are you putting your dog in the basket? Isn't it going to fall?" If you try.

e! !! !!

This may be difficult to understand because the photo is not so close, but here, the one in the bicycle basket was a "monkey". It's a monkey. Yeah, I'm surprised.

Instead of fitting in the basket of the bicycle, I crossed from the edge of the basket to the handlebars and moved around on the bicycle just like acrobatics. It's amazing, I wouldn't ride a bicycle with such a normal curious man. I saw this again for the first time.

Then, this time, I parked my car and walked to my destination. Looking at it from a distance, I saw something like "a vending machine that seems to sell only the same things", so I wondered, "Well, does that vending machine sell only cola?"

No, it's all "dashi" (laughs)!

Is there such a thing? ?? ?? Normally, it was a vending machine that sells soup stock, even though it was installed on a general road. This is exactly what it means to doubt your eyes.

After that ... I went to Costco this week, but it says something like "new product", and from a distance, it looks a bit like an eel, so what is it? When I approached it.

Eh ~ lie ~. Rainy day "Atlantic salmon kabayaki".

Is it possible to grill salmon? !! I can't imagine ... (although it's right in front of me (laughs)). Somehow, it was too shocking for me to get my hands on it ^^

Oh, I'm sorry for all the silly things. But really, I've come across all the weird things (for me) over the past week.

Finally, this is the ultimate.

Am I tired already? I thought.

Yes, when I parked my car in a parking lot. What was parked in the other parking space was ... a golf bag. What is this surrealistic picture (laughs) ↓

There are people who park their golf bags in the parking lot (laughs). Moreover, it is a mechanical parking lot. No, I laughed alone at this time, unintentionally.

Yes, I'm sorry, I wrote too much crap. I'm tired from all sorts of things for a week, maybe (laughs).

However, even during the week when I started feeling depressed, I was very energized by encountering many such illusionary events such as "What ?!".

Nice cars I met

Now, I would like to write about this week's encounter, which has made me more and more energetic. Here, Bentiga who uses two colors ↓

To white Cayman ~

Another Porsche 911 over my Porsche 911.

What's more, the matte black that caught my eye was really eye-catching? Porsche Panamera. It was cool! !!

I was interested in matte black, so even if I approached it, I showed it to me. It's a very beautiful color. It looks gray in the photo, but when you actually see it, it looks like "matte black", and it's powerful and nice.

After that, I saw a police car in the front, but something is a little different.

"Oh, maybe it's a Fairlady Z?"

I hurry and chase the police.

Yes, this is itNissan Fairlady Z police car that I have met beforewas. I don't usually feel happy about the encounter with the police, but I'm happy with this chance encounter.

Do you go out too much with Porsche every day?

And at night, one person went out for a run with GT3.

However, in my case, I just enjoy running around Tokyo.

But that alone made me feel very happy.

Of course, as usual, I ran a lot in Carrera for a week.

Because it ’s a big deal,Let's tweet on Twitter every time you ride a PorscheI tried it, but even if I tried it for a while

"GT3 on Friday night, black carrera on Saturday morning, GT3 on Sunday morning, black carrera at noon on the same day"

I got four consecutive throws in three days, and I rode again that night, so I gave up saying, "I can't write this every time." Surprisingly, I seem to be riding here and there every day ^^

When I came back and looked at the foil, it was pretty dirty again!

Well, Porsche got a lot of energy, so I would like to enjoy a fun Porsche life again this week ~ ^ ^

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-Etc .: Other, Porsche: Porsche, ◆ My beloved black carrera (991.2)


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