New body color added for Taycan In December 2019, I wrote that a new color will be added to the body color of Porsche's electric car Taycan. Reference article: Porsche Taycan body color new color ...
What is the fastest speed of opening and closing the roof of an open car? The fastest top 12 places that can open and close the roof of an open car in seconds were posted, so I took a look. This is not a manual opening and closing, but just "...
The pure joy of meeting Dream Car "Cars with Luke", a YouTube channel that distributes car-related information on the YouTube channel with 125,000 subscribers (as of February 2020) ...
Did Han really die? It is said that it will be released in Japan on May 29, 2020 (source is here), the latest work of Wild Speed "F9 The Fast Saga". This trailer (notice ...
It seems that T-shirts have begun to arrive from Porsche Last year, in December 2019, I wrote that "Customers who purchased the new Porsche 911 (992) will receive T-shirt gifts in the United States" .. ...
There are endless types of Porsche body colors For each model, Porsche body colors are really a lot, including standard ones, optional ones, and even special request (PTS). ...
It seems that it has been officially confirmed that PDK will be released I think that many people already knew (somehow heard?) About the story that PDK will be released on Porsche 718 Cayman GT4 and 718 Spider. Well ...
Frank is the trunk on the front side of the car When you think of a "car" in general, most cars think that the trunk is on the back (rear side) of the car. But due to the structure of the car, the trunk is in front of the car (front side ...
911 Supercars: 2nd Anniversary of Porsche Blog I'm sorry for the title that is too abrupt again for the first time in a year. Today, this blog is "2 years old" ^^ I wrote it a year ago, "Oh, blog yaro" ...
I wondered if the 992 GT3 that was put out in Porsche's CM was quite intentional The other day, I wrote that the latest model of Porsche 911, the 992 GT3, is quietly reflected in the TV commercial that Porsche officially created. ...
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