Porsche talk at the supermarket I was shopping at the supermarket. Then, "Hello". There, I talk about one of the few Porsche in the real world other than the blog who is watching this suspicious blog of mine ...
The place to make Macan for full electric vehicles In Germany, the Porsche factory in Leipzig is preparing to support electromobility, and the construction work is proceeding as planned. This Leipzig in the future ...
Glass coating maintenance for the first time in a year My beloved Porsche 911 Carrera has a glass coating. And he said that it's okay to just do "maintenance" for a few years after applying the coating ...
The American icon Porsche July 4th was American Independence Day. Porsche model that North America Porsche can be said to be the "American icon" that Porsche has released so far to celebrate Independence Day ...
A 4-year-old girl who has already traveled 250 laps on the Nürburgring A 4-year-old girl sitting in a child seat in the passenger seat of Porsche Cayman driven by Dad. She is the Nürburgring already at the age of four ...
There are various videos that compete with turbos with turbos and turbos without turbos from various manufacturers, but this time I saw a 1/4 drag race with a different model made by the same manufacturer Porsche. Miles (about 40 ...
One day children's composition As those who regularly read this blog know, I love Porsche, I love it, I ride Porsche every day, think about Porsche every day, see Porsche I was delighted, anyway, in my head ...
Former F1 racer Mark Webber, a Porsche Taycan TurboS Porsche brand ambassador made with a configurator, is his ideal Porsche ...
Porsche 911 Turbo S vs Nissan GT-R This time, there was a video competing whether the Porsche 911 (991.2) Turbo S or the slightly modified Nissan GT-R is faster, so I watched it. Competing in the video 2 ...
718 Cayman & 718 Boxster It is not a story of Japan where the main unit price has become cheaper. It's a story in Australia, but recently, Porsche Australia has been Porsche 718 Keima ...
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