Worldwide Porsche sales volume in the third quarter of 2023 (Q1-Q3)
2023Q1-Q3 Porsche sales volume is 242,722 units Porsche's worldwide new car sales volume for the third quarter (July-September) has been announced. The number of units sold from January to September 2023 was 242,722...
There is no hybrid version of the initial 992.2 Porsche 911.
2023/10/24 -Porsche: Porsche, ◆Porsche 911 (992.2 type)
911's electrification emphasizes performance rather than efficiency According to Porsche, making the 911 a fully electric car is the last thing that will happen in Porsche's future electric car (in other words, it will not be fully electric until the very end as much as possible). death ...
I attached a grill badge to Porsche 911 Carrera T
2023/10/23 -Porsche: Porsche, ◇Rennsport Reunion 7 (2023), ◆ My Porsche 911 Carrera T (992.1), ◆Porsche 911 (992.1 model)
How to attach a Porsche 911 grille badge At the Rennsport Reunion 7 event at Laguna Seca the other day, I purchased a grille badge for my first Porsche 911. Here it is ↓...
PEC Tokyo 10th Morning Mission: The theme is 4-door model Porsche
2023/10/23 -Porsche: Porsche, morning mission, ◆ Porsche Experience Center Tokyo
The 10th theme is the 4-door model Porsche The 10th Porsche Moaming Mission will be held on Sunday, October 15, 2023, and the theme is ``4-door model Porsche.'' When I heard this news, I thought, ``Kai...
I met the electric Cayman (EV Cayman): 718 Cayman GT4 e-Performance
Porsche Experience Center Tokyo 2nd Anniversary Event On this day, we drove to Kisarazu in a Carrera T. When I think of the destination in Kisarazu that I drive my Porsche to, it's usually here, the Porsche Experience Center Tokyo (...
Porsche says it is not possible to make the electric Cayman weigh more than 1,800 kg.
2023/10/21 -Porsche: Porsche
Porsche Cayman, Porsche BoxsterBalancing weight and cruising range High-performance EV cars in the world weigh over 1,800 kg, and some are more than twice that weight, but currently Porsche's 718 and 911 Mr. Frank Moser, the person in charge...
Taycan appears at MGC 2023
2023/10/21 -Media: TV, magazines, etc., Porsche: Porsche
Porsche TaycanMarathon Grand Championship 2023 On Sunday, October 15, 2023, the ``Marathon Grand Championship (MGC)'' and ``Tokyo Legacy Half Marathon'' were held in Tokyo despite heavy rain. City...
Porsche Rennsport Reunion 7 | I went to 2023 ⑦Extra edition
2023/10/18 -Porsche: Porsche, ◇Rennsport Reunion 7 (2023), ◆Rennsport Reunion
This blog is a continuation of this article → I went to Porsche Rennsport Reunion 7 | 2023 ⑥ What I was most happy about in RR7, etc. Oh, in the previous blog, I wrote about my experience with RR7...
Porsche Rennsport Reunion 7 | I went to 2023 ⑥What made me happiest about RR7 and more
This blog is a continuation of this article → I went to Porsche Rennsport Reunion 7 | 2023 ⑤ Movies, events, art, food At Rennsport Reunion 7...
I went to Porsche Rennsport Reunion 7 | 2023 ⑤Movies, events, art, food
2023/10/12 -Porsche: Porsche, ◇Rennsport Reunion 7 (2023), ◆Rennsport Reunion, Uncategorized
Porsche ArtThis blog is a continuation of this article → I went to Porsche Rennsport Reunion 7 | 2023 ④ Sonderbunsch, 356, Sports Classic, Shop Porsche from the movie ...