Maglev test drive experience record Run on the ground and experience 503 km / h!
2018/04/16 -Etc .: Other
Test drive on a linear motor car By the way, as I wrote the other day, I was able to test drive a linear motor car with a maximum speed of 500 km / h as a vehicle running on the ground, but when I finally got on the ride Record ...
Test drive a linear motor car! I got on a 503km / h that exceeds the supercar!
2018/04/14 -Etc .: Other
Experience 500km / h with a test drive of a linear motor car I have experienced the first "503km / h" in my life with a vehicle that runs on the ground instead of an airplane! 503km / h ... Yes, you can run at this speed ...
I bought Nintendo switch "Gear Club Unlimited"
2018/04/13 -Etc .: Other
Around the time the Nintendo Switch came out, my mother friends were quite upset, saying things like, "My child requested a gift from Santa for a Switch, but I can't get it," or "I lined up for the big camera lottery, but I can't get one." I fell...
From 3 Porsche to McLaren and Jaguar E type!
2018/04/08 -Etc .: Other, Mclaren: McLaren, Porsche: Porsche
Porsche PanameraA parking lot somewhere in Tokyo. Somehow I saw a noticeable matte black Panamera, so when I approached it with interest ... I noticed that both sides are Porsche! From the left, the white Macan S, the center is Panamera, the right is the black Macan ...
I happened to meet a Minkara user! + Also for the credential presentation ceremony!
2018/04/05 -Etc .: Other
Today I was driving in a good mood again. When I stopped at the traffic light, I suddenly saw the car in front of me and found a beautiful blue HONDA Fit. There were various stickers on it, so I said, "Hmm, there's something cute on it, but what is it?"
Shooting a scene driving a car?
2018/04/05 -Etc .: Other, Media: TV, magazines, etc.
The other day, when I passed through a certain apartment, I was shooting a drama under that apartment. Is someone from Johnny's starring? It seems that it was a filming of a drama or something that is being done, but I do not know much about commercial broadcasting and Johnny's ...
I attached a COMTEC drive recorder to the Porsche 911
2018/04/03 -Etc .: Other, Porsche: Porsche, ◆ My beloved black carrera (991.2)
When I bought a car, I wasn't thinking about anything, but when I saw the recent trends in the world, I started thinking "I want it too". That's why I bought a drive recorder at once. First of all my ...
I went to Daikanyama Tsutaya for the first time!
2018/03/28 -Etc .: Other, Media: TV, magazines, etc., Porsche: Porsche, ◆ My beloved black carrera (991.2)
The other day, I went to Shosen Book Tower in Akihabara to buy a car magazine and came back in a very good mood, but after that, I suddenly said, "I have never been to Tsutaya in Daikanyama!" I noticed that this is already Shosen Book Tower ...
2018 Sakura Part 1
2018/03/28 -Etc .: Other, Porsche: Porsche
I ran around the Imperial Palace at 911 while watching the cherry blossoms ... The warm climate these days is really great for a drive! The cherry blossoms around here were still a little sparse, but the cherry blossoms at Chidorigafuchi were starting to bloom pretty beautifully. Through the window ...
The security around Rosso Scuderia is amazing!
2018/03/21 -Etc .: Other, Ferrari: Ferrari
Today, March 21, 2018, due to the arrival of Russian prime ministers in Japan, security has become fierce over a wide area, especially around the Russian embassy (especially from 9:00 to 14:00). It's a story, but the truth is unknown). ...