Electric kids car. Supercars for children
2019/02/28 -Etc .: Other, Ferrari: Ferrari, Lamborghini: Lamborghini, Maserat: Maserati, Mclaren: McLaren, Mercedes: Mercedes, Porsche: Porsche
Model car / minicarElectric kids cars that children can actually ride When I was doing some research? Coincidentally, I saw an electric kids car on the net that children can actually ride. It was Porsche (Porsche style) again ...
I saw the Y number plate for the first time
2019/02/27 -Etc .: Other
When the plate number had the letter Y, when I was running, the number of the car in front was a little different from normal, so I said "that?". Yes, there is an alphabet on the license plate. My car ...
It's pretty embarrassing to leave Ferrari open ...
2019/02/26 -Etc .: Other, Ferrari: Ferrari, Mclaren: McLaren, Porsche: Porsche
It was when I went out with Ferrari. My husband was driving and I was in the passenger seat. It was a warm and sunny day, so it was a nice open day. This is California T. Even if it's not an open day, my husband will open soon ...
Is the new building mechanical parking lot & east building of Nihonbashi Takashimaya handed over paper?
2019/02/22 -Etc .: Other, Porsche: Porsche
Takashimaya parking lotNihonbashi Takashimaya New Building Parking Lot A while ago, I wrote that the new new building parking lot at Nihonbashi Takashimaya has a parking lot for 55 cars and a mechanical parking lot. Last time, I was guided to a flat place, so I used the mechanical one here ...
While I'm rushing now. I started Twitter ~
2019/02/21 -Etc .: Other
Really ... it's just now. I decided to start Twitter! (That's why I haven't tweeted anything yet (laughs)) Originally, I'm not good at Twitter or Instagram, so ...
Taki Taki Music Video, Date to Lamborghini Dealer
2019/02/16 -Etc .: Other, Lamborghini: Lamborghini, Media: TV, magazines, etc.
DJ Snake's Taki Taki Music Video Is the music itself about October last year? It was released on, and it's a little earlier, but it's a song called "Taki Taki" by DJ Snake. Sel ...
Sunako Juku drinking party! A gathering of car lovers is fun ^^
2019/02/13 -Etc .: Other
Sunako JukuMy husband has participated several times for a while, and I finally participated in the driving school "Sako Juku" the other day. This was the case, including when I was allowed to visit this Sunako Juku several times before, but with Sunako Juku ...
★ Additional notes ★ It's snow in Tokyo!
2019/02/09 -BMW: BM W, Etc .: Other, Porsche: Porsche
Today, February 9, 2019, it was said in the news that it might be heavy snow in Tokyo, and I received an e-mail of "Heavy snow warning" from early in the morning (in the 23 wards). Still, I have to leave the car from the morning ...
Happy birthday ❤
2019/02/06 -Etc .: Other, Porsche: Porsche, ◆ My beloved black carrera (991.2), ◆ My Porsche 911 GT3 (991.2)
The title is too abrupt (laughs). You might think something, but in fact. so! This blog is now "1 year old" ^^! I love Porsche 911 too much, and to many wonderful cars, various "in myself ...
Meet the Citroen DS20 or occupy the parking lot with Porsche
2019/02/03 -Etc .: Other, Porsche: Porsche
Alright. The most common reason for my Porsche 911 Carrera (late 991) to be dispatched is "picking up children". The kids are still in elementary school, so I'm just addicted to the back seats of 911 ...