The second time I encountered a taxi-related demo ...
2019/03/09 -Etc .: Other
Is it the day before yesterday? When I was running, there was a lot of "roads that aren't so crowded at this time of the day", and sometimes I couldn't move at all on the way. Especially in a hurry, thinking "What? Accident? Event?"
Electric kids car. Supercars for children
2019/02/28 -Etc .: Other, Ferrari: Ferrari, Lamborghini: Lamborghini, Maserat: Maserati, Mclaren: McLaren, Mercedes: Mercedes, Porsche: Porsche
Model car / minicarElectric kids cars that children can actually ride When I was doing some research? Coincidentally, I saw an electric kids car on the net that children can actually ride. It was Porsche (Porsche style) again ...
I saw the Y number plate for the first time
2019/02/27 -Etc .: Other
When the plate number had the letter Y, when I was running, the number of the car in front was a little different from normal, so I said "that?". Yes, there is an alphabet on the license plate. My car ...
It's pretty embarrassing to leave Ferrari open ...
2019/02/26 -Etc .: Other, Ferrari: Ferrari, Mclaren: McLaren, Porsche: Porsche
It was when I went out with Ferrari. My husband was driving and I was in the passenger seat. It was a warm and sunny day, so it was a nice open day. This is California T. Even if it's not an open day, my husband will open soon ...
Is the new building mechanical parking lot & east building of Nihonbashi Takashimaya handed over paper?
2019/02/22 -Etc .: Other, Porsche: Porsche
Takashimaya parking lotNihonbashi Takashimaya New Building Parking Lot A while ago, I wrote that the new new building parking lot at Nihonbashi Takashimaya has a parking lot for 55 cars and a mechanical parking lot. Last time, I was guided to a flat place, so I used the mechanical one here ...
While I'm rushing now. I started Twitter ~
2019/02/21 -Etc .: Other
Really ... it's just now. I decided to start Twitter! (That's why I haven't tweeted anything yet (laughs)) Originally, I'm not good at Twitter or Instagram, so ...
Taki Taki Music Video, Date to Lamborghini Dealer
2019/02/16 -Etc .: Other, Lamborghini: Lamborghini, Media: TV, magazines, etc.
DJ Snake's Taki Taki Music Video Is the music itself about October last year? It was released on, and it's a little earlier, but it's a song called "Taki Taki" by DJ Snake. Sel ...
Sunako Juku drinking party! A gathering of car lovers is fun ^^
2019/02/13 -Etc .: Other
Sunako JukuMy husband has participated several times for a while, and I finally participated in the driving school "Sako Juku" the other day. This was the case, including when I was allowed to visit this Sunako Juku several times before, but with Sunako Juku ...
★ Additional notes ★ It's snow in Tokyo!
2019/02/09 -BMW: BM W, Etc .: Other, Porsche: Porsche
Today, February 9, 2019, it was said in the news that it might be heavy snow in Tokyo, and I received an e-mail of "Heavy snow warning" from early in the morning (in the 23 wards). Still, I have to leave the car from the morning ...
Happy birthday ❤
2019/02/06 -Etc .: Other, Porsche: Porsche, ◆ My beloved black carrera (991.2), ◆ My Porsche 911 GT3 (991.2)
The title is too abrupt (laughs). You might think something, but in fact. so! This blog is now "1 year old" ^^! I love Porsche 911 too much, and to many wonderful cars, various "in myself ...